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4 Killer Ways To Increase Laser Targeted Traffic To Your eBay Store
By Shireen C

If you want to really make money on eBay, you should learn how to effectively drive traffic to your eBay store. Your success will depend on how good you are in directing visitors to your product listings on the auction site. Traffic-building is among the first things you need to master in order to learn how to sell on eBay.

More traffic to your eBay store means more sales. There are dozens of ways on how to direct more traffic to your eBay store. For this article however, we are going to focus on just four of the most effective strategies to increase traffic to your eBay listings. If you implement these tips on a regular basis, you can easily double or even triple the amount of visitors that your store receives.

1. Insert important keywords into your eBay product titles. In internet marketing lingo, this is referred to as search engine optimization. When writing the titles of your product listings on eBay, make sure that you make use of relevant keywords and phrases. Usually, it's better to make use of specific titles instead of generic ones. This helps your targeted customers find your products when they perform a search on Google or Yahoo. You can't make money on eBay if you are clueless about SEO. Besides other eBay users, visitors from search engines compose majority of your customers. Therefore, every time you list another product to sell on eBay, see to it that you insert relevant keywords into its title and description.

2. Write guides and submit them to eBay MyWorld. eBay MyWorld is the social networking site for eBay users. It's where buyers and sellers interact with each other. You can tap into eBay MyWorld's huge following to direct more traffic to your eBay store. You can write valuable guides then submit them to MyWorld. Users who find your content helpful and interesting will likely check you out and your stores. For instance, if you are selling an eBook on how to sell on eBay, you can write short guides and tips and submit them to MyWorld. The short guides can pique the interest of other users and eventually persuade them to purchase your full ebook.

3. Participate in forums and give away free tips. There are several forums out there that cater to eBay users. You should join these forums and give away free tips. People who find your tips helpful will visit your eBay store through the links you have in your signature. You can also sign up with non-eBay based forums and participate in them as well. A lot of people make money on eBay by driving traffic from forums toward their stores.

4. Use social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Social media traffic may be a bit harder to monetize but they are very valuable nonetheless. Besides, it's rather easy to attract traffic from social sites. The key to success here lies in how often you participate in social media discussions. The more you interact with other users, the more people you can direct to your eBay store.

These are the traffic-building strategies you should be using to increase traffic to your eBay store. In order to fully learn how to sell on eBay, you should master these strategies.

Shireen C. (eBay ID: auctionsifu) is a full time eBay & internet entrepreneur. She started making money online since 1994.

Grab her latest FREE ebook (value at $97.00) at: http://auctionsifu.com

(c) Copyright - Shireen C. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Shireen_C




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