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Tips for Increasing Your eBay Sales
By Peter Romcik

1 - Create a title that draws in potential customers.

This is possibly the most significant of all eBay advertising points and also one of the least well understood. It's incredible how many eBay users don't appreciate the importance of generating a good title for their listing or how to produce a listing which truly gets the interest of buyers. Just remember, even if you have the best product possible, and you're selling it for less than anybody else, you'll still not clock up your profits if people can't locate your listings in the first place. When consumers shop for things on eBay, they do so by using particular key phrases, hence the reason why you must include as many relevant keywords as you possibly can.

You only have 55 characters to work with, so make them count. When you create a title for your listing, try to imagine what keywords you would use if you were a buyer looking for the item you're selling. You can rest assured, no potential buyer types in a string of cash signs, or any other meaningless characters or terms, so you never incorporate such things in your title.

When you've decided which keywords you want to focus on, keep the following tips in mind:

o Separate each keyword in your title with a space.

o Never use punctuation in your title unless you really must.

o Avoid special characters (like *, $, &, %, and so on), since these can be interpreted as Boolean search operators by eBay's internal search engine and could keep your listing from showing up in searches. Additionally, as we've already mentioned, most buyers won't use these kind of characters in their searches in the first place.

o Always capitalize the first letter of each word appearing in your title.

o Browse through a number of listing where other sellers are selling similar items. If you see that most of these listings are written in lower case or in title case, then write your title in all caps (or vice versa). The idea is to make your listing stand out.

2 - Appearance Is Everything

On eBay, looks matter. Of course there are also other equally as important things, including things like reasonable shipping costs, bargain price, and etc. A well written item description is likewise incredibly important, since this is actually what you'll depend on for sealing the deal. This is particularly true if there's a great deal of competition, since a well thought out description will make your listing stand out in the crowd.

Remember that an eBay listing is an advertisement. If your description is dull, lacks flare, or perhaps fails to describe your item accurately, the chance of make a sale will be minimal.

3 - Dare To Be Different

While some of the free extras on eBay, such as the listing themes for example, might look nice, but because every second seller already uses them, you're better off leaving them alone. In fact, keeping your listing a little simpler and steering clear of these tools for your listing or eBay store can help you to stand out. There are a lot of other ways to customize your listings and they're just as easy to use.

If you are searching for legitimate wholesale suppliers for your eBay small business, SaleHoo offer and excellent list of pre-screened dropshippers and volume wholesalers. You can find out more by reading this thorough SaleHoo Review.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Peter_Romcik




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